Best Muslim Countries To Live In

The world’s Muslim population is vast, and with over 50 countries with a majority Muslim population, there are plenty of options for those looking to live in a country that shares their faith. While many Muslim-majority nations have unique charms and attractions, some are particularly welcoming to expats seeking a new home.

We will explore the best Muslim countries to live in with families, considering safety, stability, diversity, economic opportunities, and quality of life. So let us begin our journey through the best Muslim countries to live in and discover what makes them so special.

Malaysia: A Multicultural Haven for Muslims

Malaysia’s unique blend of Islamic traditions and diverse cultural influences make it an intriguing destination for Muslims seeking a multicultural haven.

The country is home to a large Muslim population, with Islam being the official religion. However, Malaysia is also known for its racial and religious diversity, with significant populations of Chinese, Indian, and indigenous people.

The government promotes interfaith harmony and encourages tolerance among different religions. This can be seen in their legal system, which allows non-Muslims to practice their faith without interference.

Mosques and other places of worship are also easily accessible throughout the country. Additionally, Malaysia has a thriving halal industry with many restaurants offering halal-certified food options.

Malaysia presents itself as an excellent option for Muslims looking for a place that values diversity while still maintaining Islamic principles.

Turkey: A Bridge Between East and West

Located at a crossroads between Europe and Asia, Turkey’s unique geography and cultural heritage make it an important bridge between the East and the West. With a population of over 80 million people, Turkey is home to a diverse Muslim community that has been shaped by centuries of interaction with different cultures.

Here are four reasons why Turkey is one of the best Muslim countries to live in:

  1. Religious Tolerance: The Turkish Constitution guarantees freedom of religion for all citizens, allowing individuals to practice their faith without fear of persecution or discrimination.
  2. Cultural Diversity: Turkey’s rich history has resulted in a melting pot of cultures, resulting in a unique blend that can be seen in its architecture, cuisine, music, and festivals.
  3. Economic Growth: Over the past two decades, Turkey’s economy has experienced significant growth, making it one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. This growth has created new opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors alike.
  4. Education System: The Turkish education system provides free primary education for all children and has made significant improvements in recent years. The country also boasts several prestigious universities that offer quality education at affordable rates.

Turkey offers a perfect mix of cultural diversity, religious tolerance, economic growth, and excellent educational opportunities which makes it an attractive destination for Muslims seeking freedom and prosperity.

United Arab Emirates: A Hub for Trade and Innovation

The United Arab Emirates, with its strategic location and business-friendly policies, has emerged as a leading hub for trade and innovation in the Middle East. Positioned at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, the UAE serves as a gateway to an ever-expanding market of over 1.5 billion people. Its world-class infrastructure, state-of-the-art facilities, and tax-free regime have attracted numerous international companies seeking to establish their presence in the region.

Moreover, the Emirati government’s commitment to diversifying its economy has led to significant investment in innovation and technology. The country boasts several free zones dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship and supporting startups across various sectors such as healthcare, renewable energy, and finance. Additionally, Dubai Internet City (DIC) is home to over 1,400 technology companies that have helped transform Dubai into one of the most digitally advanced cities in the world.

The UAE’s dynamic business environment coupled with its emphasis on technological advancement make it a compelling destination for those seeking economic opportunities with a touch of freedom.

Tax-free regimeHeat can be unbearable
World-class infrastructureHigh cost of living
Diversified economyLimited political freedom
Supportive startup ecosystem
Leading hub for trade

Qatar: A Booming Economy with a Rich Islamic Heritage

Qatar’s economy has undergone significant growth in recent years, with a strong emphasis on diversification and investment in key sectors such as finance, energy, and infrastructure. The country’s GDP per capita is one of the highest in the world, thanks to its vast oil and gas reserves. However, Qatar’s leaders recognize that these resources are finite and have taken steps to invest in other areas of the economy.

One area where Qatar has invested heavily is tourism. The country boasts a rich Islamic heritage that dates back centuries, with many historic sites and cultural attractions for visitors to explore. Additionally, Qatar is home to some of the world’s most luxurious hotels and resorts, making it an attractive destination for those seeking relaxation or adventure.

As part of its efforts to promote tourism, Qatar has also been investing heavily in transportation infrastructure such as airports and highways to make it easier for visitors to get around the country.

Qatar offers a unique blend of economic prosperity and cultural richness that makes it an attractive option for those looking for a Muslim country to call home.

Indonesia: A Nation of Diversity and Tolerance

Indonesia is a Southeast Asian nation that prides itself on its diversity and tolerance. With over 300 ethnic groups and hundreds of languages spoken across the archipelago, Indonesia is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world.

This diversity is evident in many aspects of everyday life, from food to clothing to religious practices. Despite being the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, Indonesia has a reputation for religious tolerance.

The country recognizes six official religions, including Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and indigenous beliefs. Although religion plays an important role in Indonesian society and politics, it does not define one’s identity or restrict personal freedom.

As a result, Indonesia remains a popular destination for foreigners seeking refuge from religious persecution or those who simply want to experience a different culture.

Oman: A Serene Oasis in the Arabian Peninsula

Moving on from Indonesia, we turn our attention to Oman, a country located on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula.

Oman is known for its serene natural beauty and welcoming hospitality, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a peaceful and tranquil lifestyle.

One of the most striking features of Oman is its commitment to preserving its rich cultural heritage. The country’s architecture, arts, cuisine and music are all deeply rooted in centuries-old traditions that have been passed down through generations.

At the same time, modernization efforts have brought about significant improvements in infrastructure and technology without compromising on Oman’s traditional values. With excellent healthcare facilities, world-class education system and thriving business opportunities supported by a stable economy, Oman offers its residents an unparalleled quality of life that is hard to find elsewhere in the region.

Saudi Arabia: The Birthplace of Islam

Situated in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is widely recognised as the birthplace of Islam and holds immense religious significance for Muslims worldwide. The country is home to some of the holiest sites in Islam, including Mecca and Medina, which attract millions of pilgrims annually. Also, Saudi Arabia has a rich cultural heritage reflecting its Islamic roots and Bedouin traditions.

Despite being one of the most conservative countries in the world, Saudi Arabia has undergone significant changes over recent years. In 2018, women were granted permission to drive for the first time in decades – a move that was celebrated by many as a step towards greater gender equality.

However, despite these developments, human rights violations continue to occur within Saudi Arabia’s borders. Critics have raised concerns about restrictions on freedom of speech and expression, as well as reports of torture and arbitrary arrests.

Kuwait: A Small But Mighty Islamic State

Moving on from the birthplace of Islam, we now turn our attention to another notable Muslim country in the Middle East – Kuwait. Despite its small size, Kuwait is a powerful Islamic state that boasts a rich history and culture.

The country has come a long way since gaining independence from Britain in 1961 and today stands as one of the most prosperous nations in the region. Kuwait is known for its vast oil reserves, which have played a significant role in fueling its economic growth. But beyond this, there are several reasons why this country is considered one of the best Muslim countries to live in.

Here are some of them:

  • A stable political system
  • A high standard of living
  • Excellent healthcare facilities
  • World-class education system
  • Rich cultural heritage

These factors make Kuwait an attractive destination not just for Muslims but for anyone seeking a safe and prosperous place to call home. With its blend of modernity and tradition, Kuwait offers a unique experience that is truly worth exploring.

Morocco: A Blend of African and Arabic Culture

Morocco, a North African country with a rich history and culture, offers a unique blend of African and Arabic influences, making it an intriguing destination for travellers. The country is known for its stunning architecture, vibrant markets, and beautiful landscapes. From the bustling streets of Marrakech to the serene beaches of Essaouira, there is something for everyone in Morocco.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Moroccan culture is its food. Moroccan cuisine is famous worldwide for its bold flavours and use of spices such as cumin, coriander, and paprika. Traditional dishes like tagine (a slow-cooked stew) and couscous are staples in Moroccan cuisine.

In addition to delicious food, Morocco is also home to some incredible historical sites such as the ancient Roman ruins at Volubilis and the medieval city of Fes. With so much to see and do in this vibrant country, it’s no wonder why Morocco is considered one of the best Muslim countries to live in.

Vibrant culture with a mix of Arabic and AfricanHigh levels of pollution
Beautiful landscapes including beachesLimited job opportunities outside tourism industry
Famous cuisine with bold flavorsGender inequality
Rich history with historic sitesPolitical instability

Jordan: A Land of Ancient Wonders and Modern Progress

Another Muslim country that offers an exceptional standard of living is Jordan.

Jordan is a land of ancient wonders and modern progress, making it an ideal destination for those seeking to experience the perfect blend of tradition and innovation.

The country’s rich history can be seen in its numerous archaeological sites, including Petra, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Jordan has made significant strides in economic development over the years, with a stable political landscape that attracts international investors.

The government’s focus on education has resulted in a highly skilled workforce, which has contributed to the overall growth and success of the economy.

Jordanians are known for their hospitality and welcoming nature towards foreigners, making it easy for expats to integrate into local communities.

With its breathtaking landscapes, friendly people, and strong economy, Jordan is undoubtedly one of the best Muslim countries to live in for individuals seeking a fulfilling life experience.

Brunei: A Small Nation with Big Ambitions

Brunei, a small Southeast Asian nation located on the island of Borneo, has set ambitious goals for its economic and social development. Despite having a population of only 430,000 people, Brunei boasts one of the highest standards of living in Asia with a strong economy based on oil and gas production. The country’s leaders have implemented policies to diversify their economy and attract foreign investment while also promoting Islamic values.

One way that Brunei is promoting its Islamic identity is through the implementation of Sharia law since 2014. This has been met with controversy from human rights organizations who claim that it restricts personal freedoms. However, the Brunei government argues that they are simply upholding traditional Islamic values and norms. In addition to this, Brunei offers free education and healthcare to its citizens as well as generous subsidies for housing and utilities.

Despite being a small nation, Brunei has big ambitions for its future growth and development while also maintaining its Islamic identity.

High standard of livingImplementation of Sharia law
Free education and healthcareLimited personal freedom
Generous subsidies for housing/utilitiesSmall population size
Strong economy based on oil/gas productionLimited tourism industry
Promotes Islamic values/normsLimited diversity in job opportunities

Egypt: A Cradle of Civilization and Islamic Learning

Egypt, a country with a rich history and cultural heritage, has played a significant role in shaping the Islamic world through its renowned centres of learning and scholarship. Since the establishment of Al-Azhar University in Cairo in 970 AD, Egypt has been at the forefront of Islamic education and religious thought. Today, Al-Azhar remains one of the most prestigious institutions for Islamic studies and attracts students worldwide.

In addition to its contributions to Islamic learning, Egypt is also home to some of the most impressive ancient monuments and artifacts in the world. The Great Pyramids of Giza, along with other important archaeological sites such as Luxor’s Valley of Kings and Queens, have made Egypt a top destination for tourists seeking to explore ancient civilizations.

However, despite its rich cultural heritage, Egypt faces numerous challenges related to political instability and economic development. Nonetheless, it remains an important center for Islamic scholarship and historical exploration.

  • Al-Azhar University has been instrumental in shaping religious thought across the Muslim world.
  • Ancient Egyptian monuments remain some of the most impressive in human history.
  • Despite facing challenges related to political instability and economic development, Egypt remains an important center for historical exploration.

Bahrain: A Cosmopolitan Island Nation with Islamic Roots

Bahrain, a small island nation in the Persian Gulf, has emerged as a cosmopolitan hub of business and tourism while still maintaining its Islamic heritage.

The country’s economy is diversified, with sectors such as finance, manufacturing, and tourism contributing significantly to its GDP.

The government has also implemented policies to attract foreign investment and promote entrepreneurship.

This has led to the development of modern infrastructure that caters to the needs of both locals and expatriates.

Despite its modernization efforts, Bahrain has not forgotten its Islamic roots.

Mosques can be found throughout the country, including the Al Fateh Grand Mosque which can accommodate up to 7,000 worshippers at once.

Traditional Islamic values are also upheld in areas such as family life, where marriage is considered sacred and family ties are highly valued.

Bahrain offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition that makes it an attractive destination for those seeking a balance between progress and culture.

Iran: A Nation with a Rich Islamic History and Culture

Iran, located in Western Asia, boasts a rich Islamic heritage and culture that has influenced the world in numerous ways. Its contribution to art, literature, architecture and science is unparalleled. Here are some highlights of Iran’s Islamic heritage:

  • Persian carpets: Iran is known for its beautiful handwoven carpets which display intricate designs and colors. These carpets have been a part of Iranian culture for centuries and are considered an important aspect of Islamic art.
  • Poetry: Persian poetry has been widely recognized as one of the greatest literary traditions in the world. Rumi, Hafez, Saadi are just a few examples of great poets whose work continues to be celebrated today.
  • Architecture: Iran’s architectural wonders like the Persepolis or Imam Mosque showcase the beauty and grandeur of Islamic architecture. The use of calligraphy on buildings is also a prominent feature in Iranian architecture.
  • Music: Iranian music has played an important role in shaping Persian culture. The traditional instruments used include the santur, tar and setar.

Despite facing political turmoil over the years, Iranians continue to take pride in their cultural heritage and maintain it through their daily life. It is this resilience that makes Iran an interesting country to explore for those who seek to understand Islam beyond just religious dogma.

Tunisia: A Mediterranean Gem with a Strong Islamic Identity

Moving on from Iran, we now turn our attention to Tunisia – a Mediterranean country with a strong Islamic identity. Tunisia is known for its stunning beaches and rich cultural heritage, making it a popular destination for tourists from around the world. However, beyond its beautiful scenery lies a nation that has worked hard to maintain its Islamic roots.

Tunisia is home to over 11 million people, with the majority being Muslims. The country’s official language is Arabic, and the constitution recognizes Islam as the state religion. Tunisians pride themselves on their religious traditions and have made efforts to preserve them over time. In fact, they have one of the most progressive constitutions in the Arab world that enshrines women’s rights and individual freedoms while respecting Islamic values. To illustrate further how Tunisia maintains its Islamic identity while promoting freedom and democracy, let us take a look at this table:

Women can wear whatever they want without fear of persecution or judgment.Free elections are held regularly with fair representation of all parties.Religious institutions play an essential role in society but do not interfere with government policies or decisions.
People can express their opinions freely without fear of retaliation.Citizens’ voices are heard through participatory mechanisms such as town hall meetings.Citizens are free to practice any religion or none at all without prejudice or bias from others.

As you can see, Tunisia strikes an important balance between religious traditions and modern democratic values that promote freedom and individual rights.

This unique blend makes it one of the best Muslim countries to live in today – a place where people can enjoy both cultural richness and personal liberty without compromising either value.


In conclusion, the best Muslim countries to live in offer a high quality of life, strong economies, rich culture and history, and a welcoming environment for Muslims and non-Muslims. These countries are also some of the best Muslim countries to migrate. These countries, including the UAE, Qatar, Malaysia, and Turkey, provide excellent healthcare, education, and job opportunities.

They celebrate Islamic traditions and festivals while also promoting tolerance, diversity, and modern lifestyles.

However, personal experience may vary, and it’s crucial to consider factors such as language, customs, and laws before relocating.

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